Burpple and Lao Ban Soya Beancurd have launched what might be the smartest viral marketing campaign in Singapore, the Burpple Tummy Race.
Update: Burpple told us that the 2,500 free Lao Ban Soya Beancurd is fully sponsored.
Remember the Dropbox Space Race? If you don’t, the Space Race is one of the most brilliant marketing campaign for Dropbox. The idea is very simple. Students who sign up for a Dropbox account using their university e-mail account get an initial 3GB of space free, and earn points for their university at the same time. If enough students join and the University meets a certain quota of points, every student who signs up gets up to 25GB of cloud storage, enough to hold hours of video files, free for two years.
The Space Race went viral. That was last year.
Read also: Why is the Dropbox Space Race so successful in Singapore?
Today, Singapore-based food journal app Burpple has just announced their very own version of this marketing campaign: Burpple Tummy Race. Partnering with Burpple is popular local delicacy Lao Ban Soya Beancurd, which offers one year’s worth of FREE Lao Ban to winners.
The concept is simple: either sign up at www.burpple.com/race, or accept an invitation to join a friend’s team. Then, performing simple tasks such as inviting friends to join your team, “Liking” Lao Ban’s Facebook page, downloading the Burpple app and will help you rack up points. Participants will be allowed to compete at a team or an individual level, or both at the same time.
Imagine a bathtub filled to the brim with beancurd instead of water, and that’s how much 400 Lao Ban Soya Beancurd is — the top individual prize for winning the Burpple Tummy Race. The winning team will win up to 800 Lao Ban Soya Beancurd. You can find the full list of prizes here.
Burpple Tummy Race might potentially be the smartest marketing campaign
What’s interesting about the campaign is that this marks the very first time Lao Ban Soyabean has collaborated with a technology company. Traditional brick and mortar companies are now seeing the benefits of leveraging on technology to reach out to potential customers.
I think Burpple is smart: Lao Ban is widely popular among Singaporeans, and it is quite affordable. The Tummy Race is giving out a total of 2,500 Laoban beancurds, each one costing about S$1.50 (US$1.20). The total cost would be S$3,750 (about US$3,000). With the bulk order, I would assume that Lao Ban would gladly give out a preferred rate, especially when Burpple is helping Lao Ban increase their brand awareness through the Tummy Race. Manpower cost might be negligible although the Burpple team would have to print out the coupons for the winners to redeem their beancurds.
Putting Burpple’s beautiful mobile app and its fleet of food enthusiasts together with a popular local delicacy, coupled with the fact that Singapore is a food haven, I wouldnt be surprised if the campaign creates a lot of hype among Singaporeans. This might potentially be one of the smartest marketing campaign among tech startups in Singapore.
My Facebook wall is soon to be flooded with feeds from Burpple’s tummy race, and it’s already happening. You can join the race by visiting Burpple’s Tummy Race website.
Read also: Food journal app Burpple now present in over 3,300 cities, launches Burpple Explore
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